Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

4. Is there any correlation between habit in singing and listening to English songs and writing skill? 5. Is there any correlation between habit in singing and listening to English songs and listening skill? 6. Is there any correlation between vocabulary mastery and speaking skill? 7. Is there any correlation between vocabulary mastery and listening skill? 8. Is there any correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading skill? 9. Is there any correlation between vocabulary mastery and writing skill? 10. Is there any correlation between habit in singing and listening to English songs, vocabulary mastery and speaking skill? C. Problem Limitation The writer limits the problem of this thesis on the three variables, that is student's habit in singing and listening to English songs, vocabulary mastery, and speaking skill. The research subjectis the eleventh grade students of SMK X. The correlation method is used to examine the coefficient of correlation between the variables. D. Problem Formulation Based on the background of the study and problem limitation, the formula of the problem as follows : 1. Is there a positive significant correlation between habit in singing andlistening to English songs and speaking skill. 2. Is there a positive significant correlation between vocabulary mastery and speaking skill. 3. Is there a positive significant correlation between habit in singing andlistening to English songs, vocabulary mastery simultaneously and speaking skill? E. The Benefits of the Study The result of the research give information about students' habit in singing and listening to English songs, their vocabulary mastery, and their speaking skill. This information can be used to decide whether these factors must be improved or not. The result of the research gives information about the degree of correlation between students' habit in singing and listening to English songs, vocabulary mastery, and speaking skill.It can be used for the teacher to decide whether the speaking skill can be improved by the two factors

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